Getting started is easy! Depending on the training program you want, simply email Mike with the key points of information detailed below, and he'll handle the rest.

Interested in a 3-Month Training Program?
1. Send an e-mail to Mike at:
•include a brief statement about your background in running/ physical activity
•include a statement about what you hope to achieve by having a coach
•include contact information & availability
2. You will be contacted within 48 hours to set up an initial phone call to begin covering some details of the coaching/training and to formulate a plan.
3. You will have an initial meeting with your coach to:
•finish up any Q&A not covered in the first phone call
•review the short-term goals and how the training will progress
•review running form (most important!)
4. You will receive your first 3-month training program and Members access!
•You and your coach will agree on the starting date of your program.
5. Payments are accepted via Venmo, PayPal, check, or cash.

Interested in Running 101 or Strength Training?
1. Send an e-mail to Mike at:
•include a brief statement about your running background (including injuries)
•include a brief statement about your background in athletics/exercise
•include contact information & availability